How Many Materials to Research For Design Technology Coursework
To write technology coursework, you will have to gather the data from different resources. After gathering data from these resources, you will have to provide references to these resources. Therefore, while collecting the data from these resources, you should keep in mind that these resources should be authentic for the readers. Moreover, more than 85% of the references of your coursework should be less than five years old. If you are not able to find academic and authentic resources to write technology coursework, you should get help from experts of coursework writing services. Key factors to get an idea about the numbers of references to use in technology coursework are given below;

- First of all, the number of research materials to gather the data for your technology coursework depends upon the purpose of your coursework. For example, if the purpose of your technology coursework is to take an overview of the current authors’ findings instead of following the journals’ author findings; you will have to use fewer references in your coursework. Its reason is that journal articles have a higher number of review articles than original research papers.
- The number of research materials to gather the data for your technology coursework also depends upon the subject matter of your coursework. For example, if you are going to write technology coursework relevant to less studied filed, you will find less number of authentic resources to gather the data for your coursework. As a result, your references list will be limited. On the other hand, if you are going to write technology coursework relevant to well-reputed filed, you will find a wide list of resources to gather the data for your coursework. As a result, your references list will be expanded.
- When you are asked to write a coursework, a prompt will be provided to you. On this prompt, a complete guide to writing your coursework will be provided. On this prompt, there is a possibility that the limit of references to use in the coursework will be mentioned. If it is mentioned, you will have to follow this limit.
- There are also some universities and colleges which provide access to certain literature to write the coursework. Under this situation, your references for the research material are limited to this certain literature only.
- Sometimes, there is a possibility that you have selected such topic for your technology coursework relevant to which lots of papers are published. Under such a situation, you will find lots of data points and discussions. As a result, your references list will be expanded.
To sum up, we can say that the number of references in coursework depends upon the length of the coursework. Roughly, you should try to use at least one reference for one page of your technology coursework.
Some do’s and don’ts of using references
While using references in your technology coursework, you should follow these essential tips;
- There is no need to write a reference twice in the references list of your technology coursework.
- You should be very careful while using some old resources in your references list. Make sure that more than 85% of resources are authentic and less than five years old.
- There is no need to cite such resource in the references list of your technology coursework from where you have not gathered the data for your technology coursework.
- You should try to give the references for only reputable resources and there should be no chance of ethical issues regarding your references.
- If you are going to write qualitative technology coursework, you should try to use less number of resources.
- It is a fact that your technology coursework will be divided into different sections. While citing references in different sections of your coursework, you should make sure that there should be a greater number of references in the introductory and discussion chapters of the technology coursework than other sections of the technology coursework.
The most authentic resources to gather the data for your technology coursework are library books, journal articles, E-books and magazines etc.
To write technology coursework, you will have to gather a huge amount of data. After gathering data from these resources, you will have to provide references to these resources. The number of references to gather the data for technology coursework depends upon lots of factors like the type of the research paper, type of the research material, guidelines of the university and topic of the coursework. While gathering the data from these resources, the students should keep in mind that these resources should be authentic and academic.